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Powerlifting Is Not Just for Young People

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A January 2024 article in the weightlifting publication Barbend reports that powerlifting is seeing an increase in participants age 40 and older. Data from the World Raw Powerlifting Federation (WRPF) stated that the percentage of powerlifters 40 and older enrolling as Masters increased 7 percent from October 2023 to November 2023. This percentage is significant since Master powerlifters, or competitors 40 or older, comprise nearly 25 percent of WRPF members.

In the sport, participants compete in three exercises: barbell back squat, barbell deadlift, and barbell bench press. In a powerlifting meet, participants compete against others of the same age, weight class, and gender and perform three lifts of the above exercises. Competitors lift as much weight as possible for each exercise.

This demographic benefits from participating in this sport in various ways. For one, it strengthens the body, cultivates confidence, and surrounds the participant with like-minded people. Also, powerlifting builds muscle and strengthens bones. They reduce the likelihood of developing osteoporosis, which culminates in weak bones, because powerlifting helps maintain bone density, translating into solid bones. Additionally, the competition removes some social isolation many older adults experience.